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Registration for Calgary Chiefs Spring Football is Now Full

Registration is now full and at capacity for the Calgary Chiefs 2025 Spring Season.

If you require further information please contact

Each player needs to be registered separately.

Please confirm that the players primary address is within the boundaries of the Calgary Chiefs or that you have met one of the exception criteria outlined in the CSFA Rules & Regulations

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Chestermere Chiefs Football

The Chestermere Chiefs is a volunteer run program that provides the opportunity for youth to learn and play tackle football. Our club, in conjunction with Minor Football Calgary are committed to safe play and our coaches are trained in safe contact.​

The Chestermere Chiefs provides tackle football development opportunities for youth aged 8-14 from Chestermere, Langdon, and area, through coaching and scheduled games.

Calgary Chiefs Spring Football provides football development for students located in the SE greater Calgary area who are currently enrolled in Grade 9, 10 and 11 in tackle football in conjunction with Calgary Spring Football Association. This is a highly competitive league that brings together top talent from across 5 High Schools and 14 Jr High/Middle Schools. 

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube & TikTok

Contact Us Alan Speidel

President, Chestermere Chiefs

Phone: 403-804-3309